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State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District Of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
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Solution of Interest Self-Service Check-In Self-Service Scheduling Eligibility Verification
# of Providers
Which PM System or EMR do you use? ADS MedicsCloud PM ADS Medics PM AdvancedMD AdvancedBilling AdvantX Agastha Allmeds Allscripts ProPM Allscripts Sunrise Revenue Cycle AmkaiOffice AntWorks Practice Management (Formerly Benchmark Systems) athenaCollector athenaIDX (Formerly Centricity Business) athenaIDX for Group Management (Formerly Centricity Group Management) athenaPractice (Formerly Centricity Practice Solutions) C&S Provision CAIRN Software Integration CareCloud CareTracker Cerner Ambulatory PowerWorks PM Cerner Practice Management (Formerly Cerner PowerWorks) Cerner Soarian Scheduling Cerner Specialty Practice Management CGM Clinical PM CGM DAQbilling CGM Enterprise PM CGM Net Practice Solutions CGM WebPractice CompuLink Compulink Advantage PM Crystal Practice Management Dr. Chrono Practice Management eClinicalWorks eMDs Lytec eMDs Medisoft Epic Systems Experity Practice Management (Formerly DocuTap) Exscribe PM FUJI Synapse Enterprise RIS GEMMS One Greenway Intergy Greenway PrimeSuite Greenway Success EHS iMedicWare Practice Management Integrity Practice Management Management Plus MDOffice MedEvolve Medics Medinformatix MediSYS Meditech MedRS Merge RIS Modernizing Medicine PM Nextech Practice Plus Nextech Select NextGen Enterprise NextGen Office (Formerly HealthFusion) Novarad OncoBilling Open Practice Solutions Other Phoenix Ortho Phoenix Ortho PM Sectra RIS Siemens RIS SIS AdvantX Systemedx TheraOffice Scheduling Unlimited Financials Unlimited g4 VertexDr Kareo Billing MicroMD Practice Management Practice Fusion Triarq PM eMDs Aprima PM