Top 5 Trends for Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) in 2023 

In 2023, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) need to urgently modernize, as facilities face a rapidly expanding patient base and greater demand for services. Facility leaders are determining how best to navigate this influx, while maintaining a high standard of care and staying within regulatory constraints.  

In this guide, review the trends causing FQHC leaders to make strategic shifts in 2023, including: 

  • Medicare reimbursement cuts and the impact on FQHC funding and patient volume 

  • How digital-first experiences impact and improve FQHC patient outcomes 

  • The role of automation in creating smart, lean and agile facility operations 

  • Data and its increasingly important role in securing federal funding 

  • Ways practices are navigating both a tight labor market and economic uncertainty 

Every year FQHC leaders look to strategically reduce internal expenses and increase cash intake to meet ever-tightening federally mandated requirements. See how FQHC facilities can drive success and positive patient outcomes in 2023. Get the guide today! 

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